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Showing posts from March, 2020

Covid-19, You don’t scare me! (Part 1: Adults)

Covid-19, You don’t scare me! (Part 1: Adults) I have to be honest. As a mom, wife, speech therapist, and just plain human being, this Covid-19 situation has increased my anxiety tenfold. While I am not a mental health professional, I know it is always good to have a network of people you can lean on. This can include spouses, loved ones, or friends; but bonus points if one of those individuals is also a professional with experience handling the situation you are personally dealing with. In comes my friend Myriam Sanchez, licensed therapist and owner of Your Family Wellness Village . She was kind enough to share 3 tips on how we can relieve some of the anxiety that may come our way during these trying times: Focus on what you can and cannot control. Most of what we can control is ourselves and our reactions to what's going on. Limit your time on social media and on TV and instead, increase your time engaging in productive values...